DiscoverStartupsAlpha Fiber
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Real-time Concussion Detection in Athletes Using Cameras

Company size
1-10 people
Company type
Health TechMedical DeviceSoftware Development
BiotechnologyMedical DevicesSportsBig DataNeuroscienceHealth and WellnessComputer VisionMedical Technologies

Alpha Fiber careers

Real-time Concussion Detection in Athletes Using Cameras
We are a B2B biotech startup developing software to detect potential concussions in real time in athletes on the field using only cameras - no sensors or special equipment on the athlete.

Co-founder Computer Vision Engineer / CTO

Los Angeles • San Diego • Orange County
$50k – $130k • 3.0% – 10.0%
1 month ago

Chad Sixt

Avatar for Chad Sixt
CTO, Principal Engineer / Architect / Manager / Mentor / Professor with 25+ years’ experience in the medical device, defense, and consulting industries.

Arash Adami

Avatar for Arash Adami
Founder @Alpha Fiber Adjunct Professor @San Diego Miramar College . PhD in Neuroscience from @University of California, Riverside.