Campaign Manager at Quarterly Global by Ekalavya Hansaj

 (4+ years exp)
₹8L – ₹12L • No equity
Published: 1 year ago
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Quarterly Global

Create, Connect and Convert with On-Demand marketing and advertising excellence

Job Location

Job Type

Full Time

Visa Sponsorship

Not Available




Campaign Management
Campaign Strategy
Marketing Campaign Development
Email campaign management and production
Email marketing campaigns
Paid Social Advertising Campaign Management

Hiring contact

Ekalavya Hansaj

The Role

Key responsibilities:

Devise B2C (business to consumer) or B2B (business to business) integrated marketing campaigns with the aim of acquiring and retaining customers.
Manage the procedure, implementation, tracking and measurement of marketing campaigns.
Brief and oversee the work of internal and external agencies, such as designers, animators and printers, who will deliver much of the campaign activity.
Work within a budget and report any overspend.
Write, edit and proofread copy for promotional materials within marketing campaigns.
Ensure that the organisation’s brand and identity is adhered to in campaigns and in all communication channels.
Deliver regular reports of campaign results, including web analysis and evaluation of KPIs.
Maintain regular measurement of the ROI of campaigns.
Ensure accuracy of marketing materials and provide formal sign off if necessary.
Collect and use data to inform new campaigns and the evaluation of existing campaigns.
Take responsibility for the organisation of any trade shows or exhibitions.
Administer the website(s).
Keep abreast of current trends in marketing.

More about Quarterly Global


Ekalavya Hansaj
Founder • 3 years
San Francisco
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